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Datum - 02.10.2024
18:15 - 20:15
Termin im Kalender eintragen: iCal


An online workshop for free-spirited writerly wanderers. An interplay of poetic passages, evocative prompts and sublime sharing will help you breathe life into the precious and deeply personal realm of your own writing. “Give me one lonely hour to hymn the setting day.” (William Cullen Bryant)

Kursnummer: T247005

Dozentin: Carolyn Morrow

Gebühr: € 176,-

Termine: 02.10.2024, 09.10.2024, 23.10.2024, 06.11.2024, 13.11.2024, 27.11.2024, 04.12.2024, 11.12.2024, 18.12.2024, 08.01.2025, 22.01.2025 und 29.01.2025